Dr Ye Li received his PhD from Mechanical Engineering Department at UBC in 2007. He is now a professor at School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), the founding director of SJTU Multiple functional towing tank, the founding director of NDRC National Center for Offshore Wind Technology, Associate Fellow of AIAA and senior member of IEEE. He is internationally recognized for his expertise in offshore technology and for his extensive works in theoretical, numerical and experimental studies on fluid-structure interaction. He is an associate editor of ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Energy Review, AIP Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy and many others. Prior to joining SJTU, he was the ocean modeling effort leader and a senior scientist at U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). In the past several years, he leaded or participated in many industrial projects in the field of offshore renewable energy, such as Goldwind 3MW and 6MW offshore wind turbine project, CPT 100kW wave energy project, OPT 150kW wave energy project, Principle Power 3MW offshore wind project, and Verdant Power 300kW tidal current energy project.